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Graduate Student Cluster Membership

Join the Graduate Cluster

If you are interested in becoming formally involved with the Cluster we encourage you to submit an application for DevSci Cluster Membership (it is easy to do –just a few words about your research, and your CV). Importantly, membership in the Cluster has the benefit of eligibility to apply for seed funding to support your research. Continue reading below to learn about the different levels of cluster involvement and how to sign up!

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Encouraging Diverse Collaboration

We collaborate with diverse group of schools within Northwestern University:

Feinberg School of Medicine, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences, School of Communications and School of Education and Social Policy.

Become a Member

  • Students will receive information about upcoming events and funding opportunities through the DevSci Cluster email listserv, and are encouraged to attend at least two DevSci sponsored events per year (with free lunch!)
  • Members at this level are eligible to apply for seed funds and fellowship opportunities to support your research!
  • DevSci Cluster members are also eligible for a Transdisciplinary Developmental Sciences Certificate.
  • To join, please submit an application. This will include a 1-2 paragraph summary of your research focus and its linkages to developmental science. Please also send your CV to

Apply now

Transdisciplinary Developmental Sciences Certificate

TGS is now offering a Transdisciplinary Developmental Sciences Certificate for DevSci cluster members.

This certificate is for students to develop an in-depth understanding of the developmental emergence and course of the mechanisms and processes related to their field.

Learn About the Certificate