Jun52025ECHO Measurement Core Equitable Measurement Series: Bringing it All Together12:00 PM OnlinePlease join us on Thursday, June 5th from 12:00 - 1:30 PM CST in the seventh and final series as we bring all concepts t...
May202025ECHO Measurement Core Equitable Measurement Series: Data Blitz11:00 AM OnlinePlease join the ECHO Measurement Core in the sixth installment of the Equitable Measurement Virtual Meeting Series on Tu...
Mar112025Fostering Resilience: Examining the mechanisms of unexpected outcomes in youth exposed to trauma12:00 PM OnlineDr. Yo Jackson is Professor, Clinical Child Psychology, Department of Psychology, and Associate Director, Child Maltreat...
Mar62025DevSci Diversity Discussion Series: Community Engagement with Autistic People and Families: Unpacking Ableism and Promoting Accessibility with Jordan Lee, MS, CCC-SLP4:00 PM OnlinePlease join us for our quarterly DevSci Diversity Discussion Series as we welcome Jordan Lee, MS, CCC-SLP to present on ...
Mar42025ECHO Equitable Measurement Series: Health Literacy12:00 PM OnlinePlease join the ECHO Measurement Core, in collaboration with Northwestern DevSci, in the fifth installment of the Equita...
Feb32025Academic Career Panel presented by the DevSci Graduate Student Cluster3:00 PM OnlineJoin the DevSci Graduate Student Cluster for an Academic Career Panel on Monday, February 3rd, from 3-4 PM. This interac...
Jan92025OUR and DevSci Research Speed Networking Event1:00 PM OnlineDevSci is in partnership with OUR to support undergraduate researchers at Northwestern by offering a speed networking ev...
Jan72025ECHO Equitable Measurement Series: Multi-Method Approaches to Reducing Measurement Bias II -Modeling12:00 PM OnlineDevsci in partnership with the national research grant ECHO is offering a workshop on: Multi-Method Approaches to Reduc...
Nov132024Introducing the Mental Health, Earlier Center: Advancing developmental, equitable implementation for toddlers in community pediatrics4:00 PM No LocationMental Health, Earlier Center Scientific Symposium November 14, 2024, 4:00-6:00pm CT Location: 303 E Superior, Chica...
Nov72024DevSci Diversity Discussion Series 2024-2025 Fall Kick Off Event4:00 PM OnlineIn this virtual event, Dr. Ursula Moffitt (former NU post-doc and inaugural DevSci Diversity Discussion Series committee...
Nov52024ECHO: Session 3: Multi-Method Approaches to Reducing Measurement Bias: Part 1 Assessment Tools/Approaches 12:00 PM OnlineDevSci in is partnership with the ECHO national research grant to offer an interactive workshop on Multi-Method Approach...
Oct92024Best practices in the conduct of community engaged research: An interactive exchange9:00 AM OnlineThis interactive workshop will feature a 45-minute didactic lecture from Dr. Tandon, followed by a Q&A session.
Oct12024ECHO: Session 2 of Equitable Measurement Series: Integrating community members with diverse lived experiences into study design, methods & interpretation12:00 PM OnlineDevSci is in partnership with ECHO to offer a workshop on: Integrating community members with diverse lived experiences ...
Sep32024ECHO: Session 1 of Equitable Measurement Series: Community Knowledge Translation: Dissemination and communication of research findings to the community with the community12:00 PM No LocationDevSci is in partnership with ECHO to offer a seminar relating to: Community Knowledge Translation: Dissemination and co...
May162024DevSci Diversity Discussion Series: Recommendations for the responsible use and communication of race and ethnicity in neuroimaging research4:00 PM OnlinePlease join us for a discussion with Dr. Carlos Cardenas-Iniguez on his recent article titled, “Recommendations for the ...
Mar142024DevSci Diversity Discussion Series: Supporting Multilingualism in Immigrant Children: An Integrative Approach4:00 PM OnlineIn this event, Dr. Adriana Weisleder and members of her lab will discuss their recent article, “Supporting Multilinguali...
Mar112024DevSci Graduate Cluster Presents: Non-Academic Career Pathways4:00 PM OnlineDevSci is excited to announce that we are hosting a part two to our panel on career paths outside of academia titled Non...
Jan242024Paula Stern Award Ceremony and Reception: Honoring Lauren Wakschlag4:00 PM OnlineWomen Faculty Organization (WFO) Paula Stern Award Ceremony and Reception Honoring Lauren S. Wakschlag, PhD. Join Us In-...
Dec132023DevSci Scientific Exchange Presented by Megan Roberts, PhD with Community Partners: Remarks by Rinad Beidas, PhD & Joshua Ewen, MD & Holiday Reception4:00 PM ChicagoWe are excited to invite you to our annual DevSci Scientific Exchange & Holiday Reception (with food & drink!). Megan Ro...
Feb272023Transdiagnostic Clinical Risk Calculators as a Critical Tool for Advancing Equitable Precision Medicine: Bridging Mental & Physical Health to Accelerate Translation1:00 PM OnlineThe Institute for Innovations in Developmental Sciences & Center for Epidemiology & Population Health at Northwestern Un...