Faculty Affiliate Membership
Membership Overview
For the greatest possible impact, DevSci brings together researchers across varying departments and disciplines to accelerate translation of developmental innovations to diverse real-world settings. Formal Faculty Affiliate Membership includes several requirements over the course of the year. The application highlights several of our offerings and core services. Listed below are the benefits and services of being a Formal Faculty Affiliate Member.
Neurodevelopmental Core
- Access to free neurodevelopmental methods consultation from Core Scientist and resources (e.g., performance based measures, EEG and other developmentally based imaging methods, interviews)
- Eligibility for vouchers for Core services
- Access to training, workshops and access to Core compendium of specialized neurodevelopmental methods
Data Science Hub
- Access to free consulting with the DevSci Data Science Hub on data harmonization and lifespan developmental modeling methods
- Collaborative supports in data science for grant submissions
- Access to data science workshops and training
Center on Transdisciplinary Training
- Eligibility for graduate student fellowships and graduate seed funds*
- Developmental sciences community and opportunities for trainees at all levels (e.g., master’s, PhD, postdocs, medical student and fellow rotations etc.)
- Workshops and specialized training (e.g. in collaboration with the Data Science Hub and Neurodevelopmental Resource Core)
- Letters of support/resources and potential cost-share contributions for training grants
*Note: The DevSci graduate student cluster is open to all students, but we recommend faculty advisors are also DevSci affiliates to optimize cluster students’ experience. Learn more about DevSci Student Cluster Membership.
Faculty Affiliate Members commit to:
- Agreeing to have your information listed as a faculty affiliate on the website
- Providing an annual update of publications, awards and grants related to collaborative work enabled by DevSci (i.e submitting an updated CV)
- Be willing to have your research highlighted within DevSci events and communications
- Editing or providing feedback on any DevSci communications that promote your related research through blogs, newsletters, social media
- Promoting DevSci training cluster to your graduate students (their joining is optional)